Lost Dutchman Marathon Events

Lost Dutchman Marathon

The Lost Dutchman Marathon is held annually over President's Day weekend.

Event: This page is for the Lost Dutchman Marathon event. Visit our Registration page for an overview of all events or Half Marathon, 10K or 8K Trail Run for our other races.

Where: Gold Canyon and Apache Junction, Arizona

Date: Sunday, February 15, 2026

Start Time: 7:00 a.m.

USATF Sanctioned Event

Course: Beginning near Gold Canyon, AZ (30 miles east of Phoenix), the marathon is a scenic, rolling, point-to-point, USATF certified course (AZ23001JOE) that can be used as a qualifier for the Boston Marathon.

Course description and link to maps.

Race Pacers: The marathon features race pacers to help runners with their personal race goals.

Registration: Registration Details. Registration for the Lost Dutchman Marathon is available online or in person near race day space permitting. Register today at ChronoTrack. There is no race day marathon registration. The minimum age is 14 and maximum time for all entrants is 6 1/4 hours - strictly enforced.

Registration Fees:

2026 PricesEarly Bird Pricing
Maximum RunnersStart Time
Marathon$109$119$124$129$139$1494007:00 a.m.

Registration Limit: Participation in the Lost Dutchman Marathon is limited to 400 runners in 2026.

Directions and Parking: Parking and transportation details are here.

Transportation: All Marathon runners will be bused to the start. No private vehicle drop off of runners at the marathon start line is allowed. 

Marathon Aid Stations: There are aid stations every 2 miles on the marathon course for the first 20 miles and then an aid station every mile to the finish. There are port-a-jons near every aid station. Lemon Lime Gatorade will be available at every other aid station starting at marathon mile 4. GU Energy Gel will be at miles 10 and 18 on the marathon course only. Bananas will be at 2 aid stations.

Race Packets

Packet pick up:

  • Thursday February 12, 2026 runners can pick up their packets at Road Runner Sports - Tempe, 43 S McClintock Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281 (Map) from 3:00 p.m. till 7:00 p.m.
  • Friday February 13, 2026 runners can pick up their packets at Road Runner Sports - Tempe, 43 S McClintock Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281 (Map) from 11:00 a.m. till 6:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, February 14, 2026 at the Multi-Generational Center, 1035 N. Idaho Rd. Apache Junction, AZ from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Map). The 2 Mile Fun Run/Walk is 9:30 a.m. on Saturday with the start and finish at the center.
  • There is no day of race packet pick up for the full marathon. Marathon runners MUST pick up race packets Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
  • You may have someone else pick up your race packet. Race Packets will NOT be mailed.

Chip Timing: The race will be chip timed. Your chip is a part of your bib, do not remove it. Your number bib must be worn on the front and be visible at all times during the race.

Medals:  All marathon finishers will receive a commemorative medal. 

Awards:  Awards will be presented to the top three male and female finishers in each age group.  Age groups are 14 and under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75+ .

Results will be posted as soon as possible after the completion of the race; the award ceremony will take place once the race results are available. If you win an award, be sure to pick it up before leaving. Award recipients not able to stay for the awards presentation can still receive their award, details are on the awards page.


Arizona Winter Point to Point Marathon Course

Course Maps

full size .pdf | one page .pdf (print ready) | large .jpg | small .jpg

Time Lapse Video of the Marathon

Marathon Course Description

Beginning near Gold Canyon, AZ (30 miles east of Phoenix), the marathon is a scenic, rolling, point-to-point, USATF certified course (AZ23001JOE) that can be used as a qualifier for the Boston Marathon. Although this is a challenging course, every year a significant number of finishers run Boston-qualifying times. We also receive letters from experienced marathoners who PR on this course.

Drop Bags Organized for Retrieval

Drop Bags Organized for Retrieval

All runners will receive free transportation from the Rodeo Grounds to the start. A clothing drop bag location will be at the marathon start, and runners will receive their clothes after the finish of the race.

The race start elevation is at 2330 feet above sea level. The elevation at the finish is 1840 feet. Every mile split will be marked.

The marathon starts a half mile south of the Peralta Trailhead on Peralta Road. The first six miles are on a well-maintained, unpaved road through beautiful desert vistas. The seventh mile of Peralta Road is a newly paved four-lane boulevard. The course transitions to US 60 for 1.5 miles and then turns north on Kings Ranch Road for a tour of the beautiful and historic Kings Ranch and Gold Canyon area. There are rolling hills in this area, but the focus is on the majestic view of the famous Superstition Mountains immediately to the north that rise straight up from an elevation of 2000’ to 5000’.

The course returns to US 60 at approximately the 15 mile mark and follows US 60 for another 1.5 miles to Mountain View Road. The course departs Mountain View and moves at a gradual incline toward the base of Superstition Mountain where you will find a turnaround at about 19.4 miles; from that point the elevation again drops toward the finish line.

Shortly after the turnaround you will be running with half marathoners. It adds to the fun to see how many half marathoners you can pick off before crossing the finish line. Just past mile 23 you will pass through a wall which is a great photo op with beautiful Superstition Mountain in the background. Save a little energy for the last 2 tenths as you run past the on lookers to the finish line. View the marathon course here.

Aid Stations

There are aid stations every 2 miles on the marathon course for the first 20 miles and then an aid station every mile to the finish. There are port-a-jons near every aid station. Lemon Lime Gatorade will be available at every other aid station starting at marathon mile 4. GU Energy Gel will be at miles 10 and 18 on the marathon course only. Bananas will be at 2 aid stations.

Aid stations are staffed by our tremendous volunteers without whom our event could not happen. Please thank them along the way.

Courtesy Clothing Drop

There will be clothing bag drop zone in Prospector Park for the convenience of the runners not wishing to return to their cars.